Sinking Cities: A Global Problem Demanding Urgent Action

Podcast explores the cause of sinking cities around the world – Science

Coastal cities around the world are facing a common challenge: sinking at an alarming rate. A recent study has revealed that over 25 cities in the US, including major metropolises like Miami and San Francisco, are sinking at a rate of more than 2mm per year. This trend is not limited to the US, as many major cities in China, Tehran, and Jakarta are also experiencing similar issues.

The sinking of these cities is caused by a combination of factors, including groundwater extraction, soil compaction, and geological processes. Urban development and infrastructure projects can also impact the stability of the land on which these cities are built. As sea levels rise due to global warming, these issues are exacerbated, making it even more urgent for coastal cities to take action to protect themselves from the encroaching sea.

To address this complex issue, experts like Prof Manoochehr Shirzaei from Virginia Tech University and Prof Robert Nicholls from the University of East Anglia have explored potential solutions. These include improved land use planning, investment in sustainable infrastructure, and the implementation of nature-based solutions like green infrastructure and wetland restoration. By working together with scientists, policymakers, and communities to develop holistic approaches to tackle city sinking and sea level rise, there is hope that these sinking cities can be saved from the threat of the rising sea.

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