Vanderbilt Prioritizes Employee Wellness with Comprehensive Mental Health Care through Lyra Health

Embrace Wellness and Dedicate to Enhancing Your Mental Wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Month has arrived, bringing with it the opportunity to prioritize wellness and recommit to taking care of our personal well-being. Vanderbilt employees and their families have access to Lyra Health, a mental health provider that offers comprehensive care.

With Lyra Health, you can choose from a selection of mental health coaches and therapists who understand your unique needs. You can trust that you and your family will receive high-quality, evidence-based care. Additionally, you will receive a personalized plan to help you achieve your mental health goals. Appointments can be conveniently booked online or over the phone, with care available for your entire family, including your spouse and children. The Lyra Health mobile app provides access to resources 24/7.

Lyra Health has put together tips for mental health resilience, focusing on overcoming challenges, practicing self-compassion, and developing healthy habits. For more information and resources, you can visit the Office of Health and Wellness website. To receive monthly mental health tips and resources in your email inbox, consider registering with Lyra Health.

Vanderbilt employees can benefit from 12 counseling sessions per household member each year at no cost through Lyra Health. This comprehensive mental health provider can assist with a variety of concerns such as parent and caregiver stress, anger management

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