Poland Restores Rule of Law and Clears Its Name in the E.U.: A Lesson for Democracy Across Europe

The war for the rule of law between Brussels and Poland comes to a close

Poland has finally managed to clear its name in the eyes of the European Union (EU) after six and a half years of conflict, sanctions, and legal battles. The European Commission has now lifted its stigma as one of the only two countries in history that came close to losing the right to vote in the Union.

The formal process began when the European Commission activated Article 7 against Poland for non-compliance with legislation, infringement procedures, and court decisions. Vice President Frans Timmermans expressed his regret at the time, stating that they had no choice but to take action. However, with Donald Tusk’s election as president of the European Council, relations between the EU and Poland have improved significantly.

Today, the European Commission has confirmed that Poland has addressed concerns about its judicial system and committed to upholding EU law and court decisions. With an Action Plan in place and concrete steps taken by Poland, such as joining the European Prosecutor’s Office, there is no longer a clear risk of rule of law violation. Vice President Vera Jourov will present this analysis before national governments make any objections.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk is proud of his government’s hard work and determined reform efforts. EU President Ursula Von der Leyen commended their efforts in restoring rule of law in Poland. While ongoing monitoring and implementation of measures outlined in the Action Plan will continue to ensure promotion of rule of law in Poland, this achievement marks a significant milestone for both Poland and Europe.

In conclusion, it is important to note that maintaining democracy requires constant vigilance and commitment from all stakeholders involved. The resolution lifts a stigma on Poland which can serve as an inspiration for other countries facing similar challenges.

The restoration of rule of law in Poland is seen as a significant achievement not just for Tusk’s government but also for Europe as a whole. It sets an important precedent for other countries facing similar challenges.

It is crucial that we continue to support democratic values across Europe through cooperation between governments, institutions and citizens alike.

This resolution shows us that even in times when it seems like democracy is under threat, there is hope for change if we come together as one community united by common values.

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