Navigating the Clean Energy Economy: A Comprehensive Toolkit for Decision Makers

Analyzing the Progress of Clean Technology Manufacturing

Clean energy economy is rapidly expanding and governments and firms worldwide are racing to establish their positions within this sector. The shift towards clean energy is driven by new industrial strategies that enhance energy security and combat climate change. To guide decision makers in designing and assessing strategies for manufacturing clean technology, the Energy Technology Perspectives Special Report has been developed.

The report outlines key principles to inform future planning in this sector, recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It was initiated in response to a request from G7 Leaders in 2023 and informed by insights from a High-level Dialogue on Diversifying Clean Technology Manufacturing at the IEA headquarters in Paris. Additionally, it draws on research conducted for the latest edition of Energy Technology Perspectives and two Special Briefings on clean technology manufacturing held throughout 2023.

By providing decision makers with a comprehensive toolkit and guiding principles, this report aims to support the development of effective strategies for clean technology manufacturing. As governments and firms around the world navigate this transition, the insights and analyses offered in this report will be invaluable in shaping their approaches to clean energy production and addressing the challenges of climate change.

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