German Vice Chancellor Raises Doubts on Quick End to Russian War Against Ukraine

Habeck delivers a video message to the public on the Russian war of aggression

As a journalist, I’ve rewritten the article to make it unique. Here’s my version:

In a video message released on Friday, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) expressed his doubts about a quick or peaceful resolution to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. He cautioned that while everyone hopes for peace, the harsh reality is that a happy ending is unlikely anytime soon. Despite this, Habeck emphasized the need for Germany to be prepared for the threat posed by Russian aggression and to invest more in its own security to protect itself from potential military attacks.

Habeck pointed out that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine is the bloodiest conflict Europe has seen since 1945, with no end in sight. He emphasized the importance of supporting Ukraine with military aid, despite concerns about escalating the conflict. Habeck acknowledged differing opinions on the matter but maintained his stance on the need for continued support for Ukraine.

In rejecting the idea of “freezing the war,” Habeck advocated for Ukraine to have agency in deciding terms of a ceasefire or end to the conflict. He warned that if Putin succeeds in Ukraine, he will continue to threaten Europe’s unity and security. Therefore, Habeck underscored the importance of Ukraine successfully defending itself and receiving support from Germany to achieve peace in Europe.

Overall, Habeck’s message was one of caution and urgency as he highlighted Germany’s need to be prepared for any potential threat posed by Russian aggression while also continuing to support Ukraine in their efforts towards peace.

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